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Daredevil Season 3: A quick review

As one of the few Marvel-based shows that survived the Netflix purge of 2018, Daredevil has consistently been one of the better comic book adaptations on film or television.

This season did not disappoint and has hopefully provided enough value to survive any future chop downs being considered by the Netflix brass.

Read below at your own risk...SPOILERS AHEAD!


Season three of Daredevil picked up in the aftermath of season two with Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) battling himself on what his role in the world really was. This was an overarching and consistent theme for the season. Vincent D'Onofrio reprised his role as Wilson Fisk aka "The Kingpin" and provided a great portrayal of Daredevil's archrival. The Kingpin, of course, masterminded all of the drama surrounding the protagonists once again.

The season managed a good balance of action and drama, with a compelling storyline tying it all together. There are some obvious paths that the show could go down from here, but it has yet to show any signs of weakness in turning in three very solid seasons for Netflix.

We would assume that the emergence of Bullseye are a joint enemy to both Daredevil and The Kingpin will be make for a fascinating season four. As each of the shows characters have developed and storylines have progress, the show has somehow managed to tie together a lot of loose ends by providing the rationale for many of the actions and reactions for the characters.

Below are some quick hitters on the season:

The Good

- Cox led the cast in all putting forth excellent performance (Listen, it's a comic book show, not an Oscar-nominated movie. It was solid for what it was).

- How the show tied Wilson Fisk into corrupting every character and his/her family was kind of awesome.

- I think the show integrates the religious theme with Daredevil well. It's a key piece to the character and his morality.

The Bad

- For whatever reason Daredevil seems to get his ass kicked a lot...almost too much.

- The bombshell about who Matt's mother caught me as odd and almost forced into the season, but it did not bog down the show at all.

- RIP Father Lantom.

- Agent Ben Poindexter (Wilson Bethel) was WAY too accurate throwing random items around despite his background in baseball. His eventual return as Bullseye will provide some context to it, but for someone just randomly picking up the show it just was way too over-the-top.

Overall Take

I liked it a lot and would recommend anyone who has interest in just being entertained by a show to give it a try (but start at season one if you haven't jumped in as of yet). The show has solid acting, good storylines, and handles the whole "super hero" in the real word theme extremely well.

One of the true, defining traits of the show is that it never takes an episode off. There are no throwaway chapters of the story and the show has a masterful way of ensuring that each separate storyline is tied back into the overall theme for the season.

It's well worth your time.

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